At BVGS we endorse and believe that ‘A SOUND MIND RESIDES ONLY IN A SOUND BODY’. At Basant Valley Global School academic learning is complimented with sports education .Physical activities are an integral part of our curriculum. Through sports education we instill qualities of leadership, sharing, team spirit and tolerance. Students are trained to develop and maintain physical stamina, follow rules and become mentally alert. Through physical and sports training we teach our students to face defeat with a smile and maintain humility in victory.
Students can choose from an array of options available both for indoor and outdoor games.
Indoor Games
- Carrom
- Nine pins
- Chess
- Badminton
- Table Tennis
Outdoor Games
- Yoga
- Gymnastics
- Martial Arts
- Aerobics
- Skating
- Basket Ball
- Football
- Cricket
- Kho-kho